The process of data cleaning is a crucial step in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, particularly before tokenization and when dealing with text data that contains unusual word separations like underscores, slashes, or other symbols in place of spaces. The reason for its importance is that tokenizers often depend on spaces to split text into…
The standard Transformer models in machine learning have encountered significant challenges when applied to graph data due to their quadratic computational complexity, which scales with the number of nodes in the graph. Past efforts to navigate these obstacles have tended to diminish the key advantage of self-attention, which is a global receptive field, or have…
A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggests that doctors are less accurate when diagnosing skin conditions on darker skin tones based solely on images. The study, which involved more than 1,000 dermatologists and general doctors, revealed that only 34% of images displaying darker skin were accurately diagnosed by dermatologists, compared to…
Scientists at MIT have been working on the design and control of a reconfigurable, squishy, soft robot, similar in nature to 'slime', that has potential applications in healthcare, wearable devices and industrial systems due to its ability to shape-shift to complete varying tasks. These soft robots currently only exist in labs and do not possess…