Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Computer science and technology, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (eecs), Human-computer interaction, Machine learning, MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, National Science Foundation (NSF), Research, School of Engineering, UncategorizedMay 16, 202436Views0Likes0Comments
ONNX is an open-source machine learning framework, offering interoperability across various platforms. It collaborates with ONNX Runtime, the runtime engine for model inference and training. AWS Graviton3 processors are specifically tailored for machine learning tasks and support a series of instructions to optimize performance. The ONNX Runtime 1.17.0 release integrates some of these instructions, improving…
A team of researchers from MIT, Meta AI, Carnegie Mellon University, and NVIDIA, have found a solution to the problem of the performance degradation of AI chatbots during extended human-AI conversations. They identified a challenge associated with AI conversation memory, known as the key-value cache, where data is bumped out when the cache exceeds its…
Researchers from MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have designed a new type of game to enhance how artificial intelligence (AI) comprehends and produces text. This "consensus game" includes two parts of an AI system - the part that generates sentences and a part that evaluates those sentences. This model significantly improved the…
Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 and LLaMA2-70B enable various applications in natural language processing. However, their deployment is challenged by high costs and the need to fine-tune many system settings to achieve optimal performance. Deploying these models involves a complex selection process among various system configurations and traditionally requires expensive and time-consuming experimentation.…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology researchers from multiple institutions including the Institute of Structural Biology, Technical University of Munich, and others have developed a novel approach to drug discovery, named MISATO. This innovative model is designed to enhance the process of drug design, a critical aspect within the broader field of computational chemistry and structural biology.…
Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT, have been shown to exhibit advanced capabilities in complex reasoning tasks, outpacing standard, supervised machine learning techniques. The key to unlocking these enhanced abilities is the incorporation of a 'chain of thought' (CoT), a method that replicates human-like step-by-step reasoning processes. Importantly, the use of CoT…