Photolithography, a process used to create computer chips and optical devices, can often have tiny deviations during production, causing the final product to fall short of the initial design. To address this, researchers from MIT and the Chinese University of Hong Kong have used machine learning to develop a digital simulator that more accurately models…
A new study from MIT suggests that modern computational models powered by machine learning could potentially aid the design of better hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces. These models, specifically deep neural networks, are starting to encompass functions that replicate the structure of the human auditory system.
The study further illuminates how to best train…
In a breakthrough study at MIT, researchers have used machine learning (ML) to calculate the ephemeral transition state in chemical reactions, representing a significant step forward for computational chemistry. The transition state occurs when molecules in a reaction gain energy to the point where the reaction becomes irreversible. Researchers have struggled to observe this pivotal…
The rapid improvement of large language models and their role in natural language processing has led to challenges in incorporating less commonly spoken languages. Embedding the majority of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in well-known languages inevitably forces a technological divide across linguistic communities that remains mostly unaddressed.
This paper introduces the SambaLingo system, a novel…
More than 2,000 years after Greek mathematician Euclid laid the groundwork for geometry, Justin Solomon, an associate professor at the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is leveraging modern geometric techniques to solve complex problems that seemingly have no connection to shapes. Solomon's work involves using geometrical structures in comparing datasets to predict…
Researchers from MIT and the Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed a machine learning technique to bridge the gap between the design and manufacturing processes in photolithography. Photolithography, a technique commonly used in fabricating computer chips and optical devices like lenses, often falls short of the designers' expectations due to minute deviations during manufacturing.…
MIT researchers have conducted the largest study to date of deep neural networks trained for auditory tasks. These computational models, which mimic the structure and function of the human auditory system, have the potential to improve hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces. The study shows that the majority of the models generate representations which…
Scientists at MIT have devised a machine learning-based method that can rapidly calculate the transitional states of molecules during a chemical reaction. The transient nature of these states has made observation particularly challenging. Understanding these states is key to developing catalysts or deciphering how natural systems induce specific changes.
The MIT team constructed their computational approach…
Justin Solomon, an associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is applying modern geometric techniques to solve complex problems in data science, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence. He draws upon the principles of geometry— the study of shapes—pioneered over 2,000 years ago by Greek mathematician Euclid.
The relevance of geometric principles extends beyond…
Researchers from MIT and the Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed a machine-learning based digital simulator that can more precisely model specific photolithography manufacturing processes used in creating computer chips and optical devices like lenses. The simulator is designed to help close the gap between design and manufacturing, as tiny deviations during the manufacturing…
A new study by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has brought us closer to creating computational models that can mimic the human auditory system in the design of better hearing aids, cochlear implants, and brain-machine interfaces.
The research, which is the most extensive of its kind, showed that most deep neural network models…
During a chemical reaction, molecules gain energy until they reach a point known as the transition state, a pivotal moment where the reaction must proceed. The structures of these states can be determined using quantum chemistry methods, but these calculations are time-intensive. To tackle this issue, a team of MIT researchers developed a machine learning-based…